Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 222 - New Session Starts

My post from HWHL today -
"Okay, lately the health-centered articles have been popping out at me at the grocery store checkout. It's late a night, and I'm too tired to do a big post about them (I'll save that for a few days later), but the bottom line is that they got me thinking more about eating strategies. The two camps seem to be 1)eat this type of food and eat all you want and 2)eat less calories by making them healthy-nutrient packed calories. Strictly speaking, we all know that the bottom line is this:

Weight loss = more calories burned than consumed. Period.

Every other fad or diet, tip or technique, is simply about managing hunger and meeting the nutritional needs of your body.

That being said, I have to say that one thing I've really noticed lately, something that clicks for me even though I've known it all along, is that my body handles calories differently during the day than it does at night. After 5 or 6 at night, my body just starts to shut down, and if I haven't eaten nearly all my calories for the day by then and I put a lot of calories in my stomach after 5 or 6, then the scales are not kind to me. I just can't get that weight to drop off. This past session, and others, I really noticed when I ate my calories early in the day, versus late at night. That's when I dropped weight.

So, my challenge for myself this session is to quit eating by 7pm each night. Man, that's going to be rough, because some nights I hardly get dinner ready by then. But then, that's what I should be working on: adjusting my routine and schedule so that dinner is ready by 5 or 5:30. If I were done eating by 6 each night, I think the pounds would finally start dropping again."

Weight - 187.2
Weight Lost - 48.2 lb. in 222 days
Total Calories Eaten - 1960
Today's MFD calorie allowance range - 1491 for a 2 lb loss/week rate, 2491 for weight maintenance
MFD occupation activity level - Moderate Activity
Total MFD Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 280
MFD Calorie Balance - 469 over at a 2 lb loss/week rate, 531 left to eat at a weight maintenance range
MFD Weight Loss Rate Today - 1.1 loss/week
HWHL Points Today - 36 ( total this session, session goes from Mon Jan 31 to Fri Feb 11) +10 for eating in calorie range, +1 eating all veggies but not fruits (ate enough veggies to almost equal the fruits too), +1 eating breakfast lunch dinner, +3 drink 64 oz. water, +2 for no soda pop, +1 taking multivitamin, +5 30 min exercise, +3 food journal, +5 post or comment, +2 for posting as well as commenting, +3 stop eating 2hrs before bed
Exercise - 30 min. Gazelle strider

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