Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 201

I decided to change the format of my blog titles. Tracking the days seems better than continually posting my weight as a blog title. I don't mind posting my weight, but I need more of a feel of forward motion that I get from counting days, at least that's what seems good for now.

Weight - 189.6
Weight Lost - 45.8 lb. in 201 days
Total Calories Eaten - 1834
Today's MFD calorie allowance range - 1476 for a 2 lb loss/week rate, 2476 for weight maintenance
MFD occupation activity level - Moderate Activity
Total MFD Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 250
MFD Calorie Balance - 358 over at a 2 lb loss/week rate, 642 left to eat at a weight maintenance range
MFD Weight Loss Rate Today - 1.3 lb loss/week
HWHL Points Today - 29 (215 total this session, session goes from Mon 3 Jan to Fri 14 Jan) -2 for not eating all the required fruits and veggies, -1 for not taking a multivitamin, -3 for not stopping eating at least 2 hours before bed
Exercise - 30 min. Gazelle strider

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about Sammy being sick. I've had a sick baby too and there is nothing worse. I hope he gets better soon!
