Sunday, August 15, 2010

212.2 - Cleaning The Closet

Weight - 212.2
Weight Lost - 23.2 lb. in 53 days

Total Calories Eaten - 1238
Today's MFD calorie allowance - 1430 for a 2 lb loss/week rate
MFD occupation activity level - Moderate Activity
HWHL or Trainer Momma calorie allowance - 1586 for a 2 lb loss/week rate at 218 pounds
Total MFD Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 60
MFD Calorie Balance - 192 left to eat at 2lb loss/week rate
MFD Weight Loss Rate Today - 2.4 lb loss/week
HWHL Points Today - None, we are between sessions.
Exercise - Did the equivalent of 5 min. of step aerobics. All I know was that I was literally running up and down the stairs getting ready for church, and I was out of breath and sweating by the time I got in the car. Yeah, sometimes I even count the little things. Sue me.

Okay, the past week or so, when I've been in the pool, I've noticed that my swimsuit is just hanging off me, and the straps fall down all the time. And then I thought, "Oh yeah, this is the suit I bought for my last pregnancy!" No wonder! So, I opened my drawers, looking for the smaller swimsuits, and like the book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, one thing lead to another, and I removed from my drawers and closet every bit of clothing that no longer fit, even the stuff I thought was cute, but was now too big. Because, sister, I am NEVER, NEVER, NEVER going back to the 20's in clothing. And I'm gunning for those size 18's like crazy!

1 comment:

  1. OK, I left this comment a couple days ago, but it never posted. So here it goes again:

    Word Up, Sista! Send those tents to DI!

    I love If You Give a Mouse a Cookie!
