Saturday, August 28, 2010

209.4 - Aaaaaaaack!

Weight - 209.4
Weight Lost - 26.0 lb. in 66 days

Total Calories Eaten - 1391
Today's MFD calorie allowance - 1902 for a 2 lb loss/week rate
MFD occupation activity level - Moderate Activity
HWHL or Trainer Momma calorie allowance - 1586 for a 2 lb loss/week rate at 218 pounds
Total MFD Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 563
MFD Calorie Balance - 511 left to eat at 2lb loss/week rate
MFD Weight Loss Rate Today - 3.0 lb loss/week
HWHL Points Today - 37 (238 total this session) I did everything, including an extra 30 minutes of exercise. I posted again, too, but I've already maxed out my extra posting points for the week.
Exercise - 2 min. walking on the treadmill at a 3.0 mph rate just to warm up, then I ran 1.72 miles at a 4.0 mph rate for 25.75 minutes. I thought I'd ran 1.75 miles, but now that I did the math, I realize it was just a little under. Anyway, I think I'll attempt to increase my miles by 1/4 mile every week, maybe more. That should get me to 3 miles, or 5K by October. After running, I did 20 laps in the pool, about 34 minutes, a little over 1/2 mile. I'm so slow! I'm only about 1/3 of Olympic speed. I wish my short little body could go faster.

Well, I'll definitely be considering yesterday my "free day" of the session for the HWHL points. Yikes! Maybe I had more calories than I thought I did. But it was probably mostly due to the bulk issue. Let's see if I can discuss this delicately. Whatever calories your food imparts and the amount you have to burn to get rid of them, you also have to get rid of the extra bulk. I just had too much bulk, or physical volume of food, close to bedtime, and it was all still sitting in my body when I weighed myself this morning. I usually have about half the volume that I ate last night. But, I think I'm past that now. We'll see what the scales say in the morning.


  1. Did you just say you needed to take a hud before you weighed yourself?

  2. Beck, you seriously look so, so, so good in those pictures below! I love the outfit too!!!!
    Hey, I"m having a hard time coming up with and being good about eating low calorie foods. Would you mind putting some of the foods you've been eating in some of your posts to help give me ideas! Thanks!
