Monday, August 23, 2010

209.4 - Time to Pig Out Again?

Weight - 209.4
Weight Lost - 26.0 lb. in 61 days

Total Calories Eaten - 1562 (I did better eating today)
Today's MFD calorie allowance - 1889 for a 2 lb loss/week rate
MFD occupation activity level - Moderate Activity
HWHL or Trainer Momma calorie allowance - 1586 for a 2 lb loss/week rate at 218 pounds
Total MFD Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 536
MFD Calorie Balance - 327 left to eat at 1lb loss/week rate
MFD Weight Loss Rate Today - 2.7 lb loss/week
HWHL Points Today - 39 (39 total this session, which restarted today), I did everything, including an extra 30 minutes of exercise, and I posted.
Exercise - walked 3.0 mph for 2 min, ran a mile in 15 min., 20 laps (16 laps are one mile) in the pool for 32 min (I was definitely faster today, concentrating on keeping my legs kicking at a steady pace), then finally walked at a brisk pace for 18 min. after dinner.

Man, that weight isn't moving very fast, despite my best efforts. Maybe I need to shock my body by pigging out one day. Hmmm...

1 comment:

  1. Just keep at what ever works for you. Your body likes to take a mini-vacation once in a while, it will pick up the loss routine again soon... I am close to breaking the 190 barrier Yahoo!
