Monday, July 5, 2010

228.2 - New Scales

Weight - 228.2 lb. (231.4 in clothes, similar to Rec Center)
Weight Lost - 6.3 lb. in 12 days
Body Fat - 50.5% (Yeah, it's bad, but that's part of the point of this whole thing - getting rid of the fat!)
Others: 36.1% water, 5.4 bone density

Total Calories Eaten - 1667
Total Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 576
Calorie Balance - 183 left to eat at 2lb loss/week rate
Weight Loss Rate Today - 2.4 lb loss/week

Exercise - I did my own workout on my Firm Wave, using hand weights 3 & 5 lbs., 30 min.

I finally broke down and got my own scales. I was tired of having to run to the rec center just to weigh myself, so I got a new set. From now on, I'll be reporting the weight I am first thing in the morning in my undies. Plus, the scales measure % of body fat, and a few other things. I don't know how accurate the measurements are, but at least they will show changes over time.

10pm - Man, that Wave workout kicked my tail in the long run today. I took the kids for a little walk after dinner, and when I got back, I sat down to watch tv. The longer I sat there, it seemed like my energy just slowly leaked out, and after an hour, it was like I couldn't move. It wasn't a sleepy kind of tired, just absolutely desire to move. I think this tells me that my body was challenged enough by adding weights to a step workout, that I'll get some muscle growth. I may go out and buy some heavier hand weights.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing beats a good digital scale that can give you the numbers in the privacy of your own home! Good investment.

    I'm back on Healthy Wife this week.
