Wednesday, July 14, 2010

223.8 - New Calorie Baseline

Weight - 223.8 lb
Weight Lost - 11.6 lb. in 21 days

Today's MFD calorie allowance - 2130 for a 2 lb loss/week rate
MFD occupation activity level - Heavy Activity
HWHL calorie allowance - 2189.3 for a 2 lb loss/week rate
Total Calories Eaten - 1569
Total MFD Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 427
MFD Calorie Balance - 561 left to eat at 2lb loss/week rate
MFD Weight Loss Rate Today - 3.1 lb loss/week
HWHL Points Today - 45 (345 total this session, I did the extra challenge today of commenting about my favorite HWHL post)
Exercise - Precor Elliptical efx576i, 2.18 miles, 3700 strides, 337.9 cal, 30 min. alternating forwards and backwards every 5 min.

You might notice that my stats have changed. I've added a few things, and I changed my baseline calorie allowance on It wasn't reflecting the weight loss I've been experiencing over the last three weeks, so I went into my profile and selected heavy activity for my occupational activity level. I think it more accurately reflects my true calorie allowance, and what has been going on with my body. I could be eating a ton more food, and still lose 2 lb. per week.

Man, I was feeling the strict control of the past three weeks today. I feel a "free day" coming on (it means that on HWHL I get to blow off my calorie allowance one day in each challenge period, about two weeks each, and still earn 10 points for my calorie range.) I'm going to plot it out, and eat cookies, pizza, and ice cream. How bad is that? But I need a break, maybe Saturday.

My brain hurts, and I think it made me extra tired and hungry today. I've been working every spare minute I can on my Medical Transcription course, writing in the margins of my manual all the time blocks I work on it. I had to do that, because I get lots of interruptions with five kids, and I wasn't sure what I was really doing every day. I clocked five hours yesterday, but only 2-1/2 today. It's my goal to learn how to be more efficient with my time, to quit getting distracted so much, and just GET IT DONE, whatever I'm working on. So, all this focus I'm trying to achieve is straining my brain. Keeping up with and writing for three blogs is kind of a big time drain, but I love doing it.

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