Thursday, July 8, 2010


Weight - 226.0 lb
Weight Lost - 9.4 lb. in 15 days

Total Calories Eaten - 1729
Total Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 593
Calorie Balance - 130 left to eat at 2lb loss/week rate
Weight Loss Rate Today - 2.3 lb loss/week (If I keep up this rate, I will break 200 the first week of October, and reach my goal of 150 by March)
HWHL Points Today - 36 (121 total this session)

Exercise - 30 minutes workout on my Firm Wave, and 15 minutes of ab exercises. I did 8 old-school sit-ups and 8 scissor kicks. I want to increase this dramatically over time.

I used my Firm Wave to work out today. Man, it's a good workout! I was sweating like crazy. It's a deceptively simple piece of equipment, but you can do a lot with it. Point the curved side up, and it's like a stepper. Point the curved side down, and you can rock on it to work a different set of muscle groups and improve your balance. It's also a good support for doing crunches. And if you live in tiny spaces, or house-bound a lot during the winter, you can still get a great workout.

1 comment:

  1. I may have to get me one of those when the weather turns.
