Wednesday, July 7, 2010

227.8 - Joining the HWHL Group & Rec Center Pics

Weight - 227.8 lb
Weight Lost - 7.5 lb. in 14 days

Total Calories Eaten - 1657
Total Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 535
Calorie Balance - 150 left to eat at 2lb loss/week rate
Weight Loss Rate Today - 2.3 lb loss/week
HWHL Points Today - 37 (85 total this session)

Exercise - Water Aerobics at Rec Center, 50 min.

Well, I'm joining the bandwagon at Healthy Wife Happy Life, the health blog that Sue is a part of (and which converted me to calorie-counting), so I'll be recording my "HWHL points" here, too. I'm looking forward to meeting challenges and sharing lifestyle changes (i.e. weight loss) with others. Although I think the stats are pretty close to what the HWHL points are based on, I'll put the HWHL recommended calculations here, so I'm comparing apples to apples when it comes to the point system. For my age, weight, and activity level, I can eat 3189.3 cal to maintain weight, 2689.3 cal to lose 1 pound a week, or eat 2189.3 cal to lose 2 pounds a week. I've been falling under that easily the past two weeks and putting myself in the 1689.3 cal 3lb-weight-loss-a-week category, but I need to add more fruits (2 cups/day needed) and veggies 2-1/2 cups/day), so I'll be trying to eat around 1700 to 1800 calories more consistently. The HWHL session started Monday, so I'm backtracking a few days and putting my points for each day here:
Monday Jul 5 - 24
Tuesday Jul 6 - 24
Wednesday Jul 7 - 37

Now it's time to brag on my town. I live in Rock Springs, Wyoming, with a population of around 25,000. That's probably small compared to where a lot of people live. But that means that we have a lot less available services, shopping, and activities than bigger cities. But the one thing I absolutely LOVE about my town is the Rock Springs Family Recreation Center. For a town this size, to me it's the Taj Mahal of public facilities. Let's have a pictoral essay, but hold on to your britches, there are 25 pics! The place looks deserted, but it was a slow time of day, and I also waited for people to get out of the picture, in case they were uneasy about having their picture taken.

This is the outside view of the new indoor pool addition to our rec center. Awesome waterslides!! The addition should be opening sometime around the beginning of August. Yipee!!

Wonderful open windows around the indoor pool.

I wish I could get a big picture of all this facility encompasses, but it is so big, that one pic won't fit everything. But here is the main front entrance.

The view coming in the front doors.

The map of the rec center is just to your right as you come in. You can click on this pic to see a bigger view of the map. The upstairs of the facility.

The downstairs of the facility.

The front desk, to your right as you come in. This is a wonderfully clean, efficient facility run by no-nonsense, professional but warm people.

One of the workout rooms, where I've had a few aerobics/step classes.

Straight past the front desk is an eating area, with these vending machines.

I often see kids hanging out here, waiting for rides, or just passing time.

To the left of the front desk is a workout machine area, where I sometimes do my elliptical workout.

Here is the view off the side of railing by the workout machines. I love this corner, where there are these great big steps/seating where parents can watch their kids' swim lessons, or watch people play raquetball. All the raquetball courts have glassed-in front walls, where you can see all the action.

Tucked in between the raquetball courts and the pool is this great little playland for kids.

Weight room.

Another weight room.

This is called the Warm Up room, where I often do my elliptical workout. It's just around the corner from the locker rooms.

The women's locker room.

There is a jacuzzi in the women's locker room.

The shower stalls are always clean.

The lap pool where I do laps and have water aerobics.

Another hot tub, which is by the lap pool.

This is the new section they have built on to the existing lap pool.

The new indoor pool addition, still under construction, but ready soon. Awesome kids' mini water park, a lazy river, a hot tub, a climbing wall, and the water slide stairs in the background.
This is the ice rink, where Dani and I take ice skating lessons. I can't wait for those to start up in the fall!! When I break 200 (which should be before my birthday in October), I'm going to treat myself to some new gear, maybe some new ice skates and a cute fleece vest!!
This is the walking/running track, with the basketball courts below, separated by these white, gauzy screens. There is even a batting cage at the far end of the gym.

I LOVE this place!


  1. You are right. That is an awesome place. I'd spend half my day there... LOL. Maybe not really, but it might be tempting with all those fun things to do out of the Rock Springs hot or cold weather.

  2. I'm totally envious. Especially of the kids playroom. I'd be there everyday in the winter.

    I think 1800 is a much more sustainable calorie range than 1200 or 1600. You may not lose weight quite as fast, but it will be a change you can maintain over the long haul.
