Tuesday, July 6, 2010

227.8 - Cholesterol

Weight - 227.8 lb. (231.2 in clothes) Rec Center weight in clothes 230.0, which means that on my new scales, I probably started out at 235.2 lb.
Weight Lost - 7.5 lb. in 13 days
Body Fat - 56.5% (the new scales measure this all over the place)
Others: 36.1% water, 4.8 bone density

Total Calories Eaten - 1076 (Yeah, I know, I should have eaten more)
Total Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 435
Calorie Balance - 612 left to eat at 2lb loss/week rate
Weight Loss Rate Today - 3.2 lb loss/week

Exercise - Precor efx576i Elliptical, 30 min, 2.12 miles, 3710 strides, 331.0 calories, crossramp 1, resistance 5, alternated forwards & backwards every 5 min.

Okay, I was going to post pics of the Rec Center today, but it's midnight and I have run out of time. I need to get my rear in bed. Instead, I will post my cholesterol score. Last week when I was at Sam and Emma's checkup, I asked the P.A. to order a cholesterol test. The nurse called with the results today. My overall number is 305. HORRID!!! It's supposed to be 150 or less! But my "good" cholesterol is 67, and it should be at least 40. The fat in my blood is 96, and the good range is 40 to 150. My "bad" cholesterol is 218, but should be less than 160. The P.A. recommended medication, but I am going to continue my healthy eating changes and exercise, and then get tested again in three months. If my numbers are still bad, I will probably start taking cholesterol medication. I'm hoping the exercise, drastic cut in saturated fats and cholesterol, and the increase in fiber, will help my overall cholesterol, so I can be a lot healthier.

1 comment:

  1. High cholesterol. Ugh. Hopefully the healthy lifestyle changes will help, but if not you can just blame it on Dad and bad genetics! The dude had high cholesterol as a young and active teenager.
