Tuesday, July 20, 2010

223.8 - Winning A Convert

Weight - 223.8 lb
Weight Lost - 11.6 lb. in 27 days

Total Calories Eaten - 1538
Today's MFD calorie allowance - 2239 for a 2 lb loss/week rate
MFD occupation activity level - Heavy Activity
HWHL calorie allowance - 2189.3 for a 2 lb loss/week rate
Total MFD Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 536
MFD Calorie Balance - 701 left to eat at 2lb loss/week rate
MFD Weight Loss Rate Today - 3.4 lb loss/week
HWHL Points Today - 35 (70 total this session)
Exercise - swimming laps at Rec Center, 30 min, 4 different types of strokes, 16 laps, 32 lengths, 1/2 mile

Well, pooh, I am STILL paying for the excesses of the weekend. Free Day is not all it's cracked up to be. I think I'll just slip in a few more yummy snacks throughout the week. Heaven knows, I am still not eating enough calories. Nighttime is my weakness, because I am slowing down and not distracted by activities anymore, but I often restrain myself, because I don't want to go to bed on a full stomach. I got this ice cream machine in the mail today, and I can't wait to try out some lite recipes tomorrow!

Well, I have finally had an effect on Dani, my almost-13-years-old teenage girl, who is about 40 to 50 pounds overweight. I've been sharing my successes and healthy tips with her, but I have not required that she change what she does. And yesterday, all on her own, she started exercising. Then today, she started counting calories, and I helped her figure out her weight-loss calorie range (it's about 2044) using the formula from Trainer Momma, and I helped her track her calories throughout the day. I stressed that she not lose more than 2 pounds a week, and that she make sure to eat her fruits and veggies, because she is still in the growing phase of her life, and really, really needs to make sure she is getting good nutrition.

She asked, "You mean, if I keep doing this (exercising & eating right), I could look good by Christmas?" She is really excited about the idea of being in control of her body, and hopefully I am giving her good, healthy tools to do that. I will have to make sure I emphasize good nutrition and healthy habits, because I don't need an image-obsessed-eating-disorder-afflicted lovely young daughter, either.

1 comment:

  1. Becky, that is such great news about Dani! You're setting a great example and Dani will soon learn for herself that it's totally doable to live a more active and healthy lifestyle. Keep encouraging her, those first couple of weeks are hard trying to acclimate your body to regular exercise. Love you both!
