Monday, July 12, 2010

224.4 - Made It Past 10

Weight - 224.4 lb
Weight Lost - 11.0 lb. in 19 days

Total Calories Eaten - 1364
Total Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 453
Calorie Balance - 342 left to eat at 2lb loss/week rate
Weight Loss Rate Today - 2.7 lb loss/week
HWHL Points Today - 35 (263 total this session)

Exercise - Tried out a new piece of equipment at the gym today. It's a Precor 100i, and I looked it up on the Precor website. It's called an Adaptive Motion Trainer (AMT). To me it's kind of like a cross between an elliptical trainer and a stair climber machine. I did 30 min, 2.18 miles, 337 calories

I continued the new trend from yesterday, and worked out to April 2010 General Conference on my MP3. At first, I was afraid I wouldn't have as good a workout, because I wasn't rockin' it and keeping up the tempo. That probably is at least a little true, but I did really enjoy the talks, and was struck by some things Julie Beck said. Man, I've got a long post coming about that one, but I'm saving it for my regular blog, or maybe the HWHL blog.

I made my Medical Transcription studying a priority today. In the margins of my study manual, I wrote all the blocks of time I was able to work on it. Lots of interruptions, as you can imagine, with meal times and five kids. But I managed to accumulate 5-1/2 hours today. That pretty much tells me I could probably work part-time 20 to 25 hours a week once I'm done and certified. I hope I can make it work.

1 comment:

  1. Hitting the 10 pound mark is an awesome feeling! And I can't believe you did it in less than 3 weeks. Time to shout out "I am woman, hear me roar!"
