Thursday, September 9, 2010

204.4 - First Cat's Challenge Session

Weight - 204.4
Weight Lost - 31 lb. in 78 days

Total Calories Eaten - 1510
Today's MFD calorie allowance range - 1567 for a 2 lb loss/week rate, 2567 for weight maintenance
MFD occupation activity level - Moderate Activity
Total MFD Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 244
MFD Calorie Balance - 57 left to eat at 2lb loss/week rate
MFD Weight Loss Rate Today - 2.1 lb loss/week
HWHL Points Today - 34 (103 total this session) I did everything, except remember that darn multi-vitamin. Aaargh!
Cat's Challenge Points - starts Sept 1st and goes to December 31st, with weekly reports. Today is the first reporting session!! Here is a breakdown:
Session 1 - Sept 1 to Sept 9

Sept 1 - 7.5 points: 2.5 pt. swimming, 3 points run 3 miles + 2 extra points for 1 hour
Sept 2 - 5.5 points: 3 points zumba class + 2 extra points for 1 hour, 0.5 points ice skating
Sept 3 - 6.5 points: 1.5 points Gazelle, 3 points zumba class + 2 extra points for 1 hour
Sept 4 - 1.5 points: 1.5 points ice skating
Sept 5 - 1.0 points: 1 point Gazelle
Sept 6 - 4.0 points: 2 points Gazelle (doubled for Labor Day)
Sept 7 - 2.0 points: 1.5 points Gazelle, 0.5 points ice skating
Sept 8 - 2.0 points: 1.5 points Gazelle, 0.5 points ice skating
Sept 9 - 1.0 points: 1 point ice skating
Subtotal: 31 points for exercising

Sept 1 & 2 - Subtotal 6.5 points: 1.5 points for 64oz. water intake, 1.5 points for counting calories, 1.5 points for staying in calorie zone for 2 days, 2 points for posting on my blog
Sept 3 to 9 - Subtotal 28 points: 5 points for 64oz. water intake, 5 points for counting calories, 5 points for staying in calorie zone for 2 days, 2 points for 2 pounds lost, 7 points for posting on my blog, 5 points for posting about something in particular and then putting a link for it on Cat's Challenge Facebook page, 1 point for reporting points on Thursday

Grand Total - 65.5 points
Exercise - 30 minutes ice skating at the rink, practising foot strokes

Man, today was crazy busy! Plus, I got distracted with a binky picture project for Emma's puzzles on our computer. I've got to write about me and Dani tomorrow, and our experience on the rink tonight, but it's after midnight, and I'm going to bed.

Also, this was my first time counting points for Cat's Challenge, and it was a ton! If I can keep it up, I will finish the 500 in 7 more weeks, which will be on October 28th, just two days after my birthday. Hey, that would be a pretty good birthday goal - earn the 500 by my b-day!


Breakfast - 1 nectarine, 3 Tbsp. creamy wheat cooked with 3/4 cup water and dash of salt, 1 cup frozen strawberries cooked with the creamy wheat, 1 bite of Connor's grilled cheese sandwich, 1 peanut butter chip cookie (recipe from yesterday), 24 oz. water
Total calories - 373

Lunch - 1/2 of a banana, 1 slice whole wheat bread, 1-1/2 teaspoons Miracle Whip Light, most of 1 roma tomato, 2 thin slices ham, 1 wedge Laughing Cow cheese, 1 peanut butter chip cookie
Total calories - 356

Snack #1 - 1 package (6 sandwich crackers) Austin cheese crackers with peanut butter
Total calories - 190

Dinner - 24 oz. water, 2 slices whole wheat bread, 2 tsp. Smart Balance Light buttery spread (for cooking this grilled cheese sandwich), 1 slice American cheese, 2 thin slices Land O' Frost Smoked Ham, 3/4 cup prepared tomato soup, 1-1/4 cup baby carrots, 1 peanut butter chip cookie, 24 oz. water after dinner until bedtime
Total calories - 590

1 comment:

  1. I'm still lurking :) You are an inspiration to me, if you can do it, I can do it. Just wish I was as far into it and you and still going. I'm almost finished with my 3rd week, and that's ALMOST as long as I did in April before falling off the wagon once again. I just need to keep going ! This is it, this is the TIME, I will do this..
