Friday, September 17, 2010

200.4 - Sooooo Close!!

Man, 200.4, I am so close, I can taste the victory! I'm super-excited to see the scales in the morning! After I post this, I'm going downstairs to put a few more minutes in on my Gazelle. When I finally broke 204, I think it was because I did some exercise after dinner, telling my body to burn, baby burn. It might have been just a coincidence but I think not.

About my breakfast issues - I don't like eating right before I exercise, and I keep telling myself that I am going to get to my exercising any minute now. I get up around 5:30am with baby Sammy, then I sit at the computer messing around for a few hours, or I go back to bed, it just depends on how busy I am. Then, I get Connor up and ready for school, then it can be another hour or two before I get the exercising done, with having to take care of Emma and Sammy, so sometimes it's lunch before I eat breakfast. Today, I forbade myself from playing on the computer after I got Sammy back in bed at about 6am. I ran a few errands, then was home by 7am when the teenagers go to school. My three little ones were still asleep, and I made myself exercise instead of doing a bunch of computer stuff. So, I got to eat breakfast today. I need to do that from now on - no computer for me until I exercise. In fact, I since I did that today, that can be my "give up a favorite sin" challenge for the next week on Cat's Challenge.

P.S. I'm doing a little jig because I have the most points so far on Cat's Challenge. Not that it matters in the big picture, but I do like rewards, and it's fun to be out in the front sometimes.

Weight - 200.4
Weight Lost - 35.0 lb. in 86 days
Total Calories Eaten - 1416
Today's MFD calorie allowance range - 1777 for a 2 lb loss/week rate, 2777 for weight maintenance
MFD occupation activity level - Moderate Activity
Total MFD Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 479
MFD Calorie Balance - 361 left to eat at a 2 lb loss/week rate
MFD Weight Loss Rate Today - 2.7 lb loss/week
HWHL Points Today - 34 (399 total this session) I did everything today except eat fruits and veggies, but I got an extra point for the extra exercise.
Cat's Challenge Points - I earned 52.5 points for Session 2. That makes 118 points so far!! This session goes from Friday Sept. 17 to Thursday Sept. 23.
Exercise - 30 minutes on my Gazelle in the morning, and 15 minutes on my Gazelle before bed.


Breakfast - Ha, ha! I had breakfast today. 24 oz. water with exercising before breakfast, 3 Tbsp. creamy wheat cooked with 3/4 cup water and dash of salt, 1 cup frozen Great Value Berry Medley cooked with the creamy wheat
Total calories - 190

Lunch - 20 oz. water, 2 slices Smith's Whole Wheat Cottage Bread, 0.7 Tbsp Miracle Whip Light, 1 slice Oscar Mayer smoked turkey round lunchmeat, 1 wedge laughing cow cheese, 1-cup-worth of romaine hearts lettuce leaves on my sandwich, 1/2 roma tomato, 1 pear
Total calories - 380

Dinner - 20 oz. water, 2 slices Papa Murphy's Chicken Bacon DeLite pizza, 1 small slice Papa Murphy's double-stuffed pepperoni pizza family size, 2 small slices Papa Murphy's Cinnawheel dessert pizza, 16 oz. Crystal Light pink lemonade drink, 20 oz. water after dinner
Total calories - 846

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I can see that your mornings are CRAZY but I have a recommendation. This is because I want to help but it's a take it or leave it idea.

    Eating breakfast is very important, it starts your metabolism for the day and also gives you the needed energy to make it through the day. So, I think in all the craziness that you need to sit down with one of your kids and eat breakfast with them, even if that means it's bowl of cereal and a piece of fruit but sitting to do it is important, and your kids will enjoy your company.

    So what do you think? Let me know.

    One more thing, here is the link to a post I wrote earlier this year that talks about my point of view.
