Monday, August 3, 2009

There Are About 50 Mouths Inside My Body


I swear, I had an appetite that wouldn't quit today. The logical part of my brain was not in charge of my body today. Jenn would feel better if she were still reading my health blog.

Exercise -
Did a brief warmup on that elliptical/stairmaster hybrid machine. Still don't know what to call it. 7 minutes, 0.3 miles, 70 calories. Then, I hit the pool for laps, and I did 16 laps, 1/2 mile, in 31 minutes. Man, I love swimming. Totally creeped out by deep water, but love the feel of the water over my skin, and the freedom of moving every part of my body, all at the same time. If I thought it was going to give my body the challenge it needed all the time, it's the only exercise I'd be doing.

I was really tired this morning, I probably only got five hours of sleep, but I went to the rec center anyway. It's funny, I can make myself exercise. It makes me feel energized and ready for the rest of my day. I've got plenty of willpower for that, but my willpower over my eating urges is just pathetic, especially over the past week. Monkeys!

What I ate today - Honestly, I'll try to remember, but I know I'm going to miss some things.

Breakfast - Thankfully, I got out and exercised first thing this morning. Was done showering, dressing, and got back home by 8:30. I have GOT to fix my sleep schedule, so I'll be ready to drag myself out of bed at 5:30am or earlier, so I'll be "on deck" and ready to be the mom early in the morning when school starts again.

Okay, back to breakfast. At 9am, I took Dani for her dental appointment. We were late by 10 min., and the secretary was totally annoyed with me. I have serious time management issues. There's a special place in hell for me, I just know it. Anyway, the dental office is in the mall, and I thought it would be fun to wander around the mall while we waited, so I had Emma in the stroller, and Connor running like crazy. The only place open was the pretzel stand, and a fun bakery called Sage Creek Bagels. Yep, we went in and bought fresh bagels. Freshly baked bread is nothing like the stale, preservative-laded stuff you can buy on the shelf at the grocery store. I bough half a dozen, and ate them all. Just kidding, but only half-kidding, I probably had about 1-1/2 total, tearing little chunks out of several different flavors - spinach feta, sun dried tomato, and banana nut. And, I just had to try out the little 2 oz. sampler containers of cream cheese - parmesean artichoke and strawberry. Connor picked a Sobe drink, and I probably had 1/4 of it.

Lunch - grazing time, who knows what I ate? I definitely had what was left of the 3 bagel flavors I had earlier, plus the part of the blueberry one. I made Emma this microwave mac & cheese dish, and had three or four bites of that. I also had a slice of cheddar cheese. Crystal light flavored water, maybe 10 to 12 oz. Later in the afternoon, I had an ice cream bar popsicle.

Dinner - 2 of those mini-dinner 8oz. microwave dishes, one was pepper steak on rice, and the other was chicken fried rice. I had a slice of American cheese Emma wouldn't eat. I also had about 24 oz. of a lime julius shake. I took half a can of lime concentrate, added ice and 1% milk. I drank most of it, the kids had the rest. I ate a whole little pack of pink grapefruit-flavored Tic Tacs. They were a limited edition flavor several months ago, and I liked them so much, I bought some to keep. Maybe it's a good thing they're gone, or I'd be buying them all the time. Sure, they're only 1 calorie a piece, but come on, who can eat just one? I was cooking a big batch of hamburger to freeze, and I had a few bites of that. And a few oz. of 2% milk I snitched out of the jug.

Man, who turned on the food beast, anyway?!!! Where'd my self-control go? And would it come back, please? Maybe I need to get more fluids in me. There's a tendency to eat, when really, your body is just thirsty, especially in the summer months. Also, I should probably start taking a multivitamin, in case my body is craving some kind of nutrient, and I'm just chucking random food at it to make the craving shut up.

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