Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Slowing Down?


Well, at least I didn't gain another three pounds today.

Exercise -
PRECOR Elliptical EFX576i, 30 minutes, 2.25 miles, 3748 strides, 358.0 calories. After yesterday, I figured I had it in me to increase the intensity, so I did a crossramp of 7, and a resistance 7. It kicked my tail, but a good workout is always satisfying.

What I ate today -
Breakfast/Lunch - Today was one of those didn't-eat-until-lunch kind of days. I had 32 oz. of water during/after my workout. Then I had four of the chocolate striped shortbread cookies, a small bowl of strawberry honey bunches of oats cereal, and about 2/3 to 3/4 of a can of baked beans. I was in a weird mood today.

Dinner - Had some baby carrots to snack on while I cooked dinner. I made the most luscious tacos. Hamburger, cheddar cheese, salsa, fat free sour cream, guacamole, lettuce, and tomatos. I ate 3-1/2, when I could have stopped at two. I also had about 16 to 20 oz. crystal light flavored water.

I was reminded at dinner, that I tend to eat food sometimes just for the sheer pleasure of keeping the party going on my tongue, the marvelous flavor and texture of food, when in fact, my stomach is telling me, "Enough already, I feel sick!"

I'm looking at what I ate today, and I'm thinking, "That doesn't look too over-the-top. I must have eaten more, I felt stuffed!" But maybe the excesses of the past week, whether phsyically or psychologically, are perhaps, slowing down, finally.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I totaly know what you mean about the glory of food. I was reading a book to Avy Yesterday, and one of the characters in the book was eating a chili dog at a baseball game... I swear my mouth started watering and I got this warm fuzzy feeling... Wow, that is kind of scary that a picture in a book could do that.
