Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm Sorry I'm A Brat

I'm sorry, and for some reason this makes me feel like an attention-hogging brat, but I'm not waiting two more months down the road, as seems like the usual time or right time to do this, but I'm making an announcement here and now. The biggest reason behind my weight struggles over the past month is that (drumroll...)

I'm expecting! Yep, I'm pregnant. Knocked up. Bun in the oven. In the family way. All that good stuff.

My kids don't know yet, so I'm not putting my announcement on my regular blog, for now. Although, I've been laying hints all over the place when I talk to the kids, especially when Emma does something cute. "Aren't babies woooooonderful! We need to have another one," and all that sort of thing. The other day, Gil said, "You need to wait until I've graduated from high school, thennnn have another baby." I think that statement was about financial concerns and HIS needs, but you know, he's a teenage boy. Little does he know, he's too late for his opinion to have any effect, not that it really would in the first place, on this issue. Plus, I want my kids to have a chance to know each other, at least a little, before they start leaving home. Gil's only going to have two years with this one, maybe three if he lives at home a little while before his mission.

Why another one? And first, let me say, it was on purpose, not a "happy little accident." I just thought, "Well, either we're done, or we're not, and if we're not, let's get it over with ASAP, because I don't want to be pregnant when I'm 40-plus." Not that it isn't okay, even necessary, for some people who yearn for children and have great difficulty having them, but personally, I don't want to be in that boat. I have been blessed with more than my fair share of children, two boys & two girls, and I don't think I need to be going into my 40's with the whole pregnancy/newborn experience. And there will be a nearly-16-year gap between my oldest and this coming youngest, as it is. I think that's plenty. I'm done.

So, that's that. I'll be due about the end of March, which with my track record, means the first week of April. I know, it's a long way off, and I'm only about nine weeks along right now, but I've felt like I needed some kind of vindication for the crazy appetite and weight fluctuation almost since I started this blog six weeks ago. The past four weeks, I just kept thinking, "I'm REALLY not this pathetic, I know I can do better!!!" I'd wanted to shout it out here on my blog, but I felt like it should be a secret for a while longer. But I just can't stand it any longer. I need a place to whine about my body, now that I pretty much have to postpone any serious weight loss for about another eight months (seven more months of pregnancy, plus at least a month recovery, maybe more.) Yeah, it's the emotional/hungry/nauseated/tired/whiney stage of pregnancy, which I guess is pretty much the whole thing, come to think of it, with a few good months in the middle, when the energy comes back for a little while.

Weight yesterday - 230.5
Weight today - 231.0

Exercise Yesterday - PRECOR Elliptical EFX 556, 30 minutes, resistance 7 for 15 min and resistance 8 for 15 min, 2.44 miles, 3807 strides, 414.8 calories. I think that's the most calories I've ever racked up on that machine in 30 minutes. I felt awesome. 400 calories in 30 minutes, Yeah!!! I didn't exercise Saturday or Sunday, and I guess the "horses" were ready to run.

Exercise Today - PRECOR Elliptical EFX 556, 30 minutes, resistance 7 for 15 min and resistance 8 for 15 min, 2.36 miles, 3525 strides, 396.5 calories. Somewhat less than yesterday, but still good. I get more and more out of breath each day, it seems like. Especially towards the end of the day. I huffed and puffed getting up the stairs tonight, which is usually easy for me. Sheesh. I'll be down to walking by about 5 or 6 months, because my thighs will keep bumping into my pregnant belly, and it will become painful. I know this from past experience.

What I Ate Today -
Breakfast - 32 oz. water during and after workout, about 2 cups generic brand Total with dried strawberries, half of a banana, and a nectarine.
Lunch - honestly, I have no idea. I think I skipped lunch, because I ate breakfast around 11:30 this morning. I remember midafternoon drinking a Sobe life water (?), which is a mildly sweetened, vitamin-enhanced drink. I probably grazed on some Goldfish crackers, but that's about it.
Dinner - homemade beef stew, about 2 cups, then 5 or 6 mini biscuits (for you international blog stalkers, these are American biscuits which are probably what you would consider a non-sweet scone), they measured about 1 to 1-1/2 inch across. Cute and little, and that's why I ate half a dozen with a little dab of jelly on top. To drink, I had about 16 oz. 1% milk


  1. Congrats :-) I know you are doing a good thing for yourself by keeping track. They say you'll snack less if you know you "get" to report it later :-)
    Love, Your Mom

  2. It's funny how just 4 short years ago the older kids were totally enamored with having a baby and now they'll probably be like,"Oh great, another kid to babysit and interfere with my social life!" The truth is, Gil loves babies and he's totally great with them, so he'll be getting in the best years with the new one!

  3. Holy monkies, and a half!!
    Wow, I did not see that coming... I wonder if he or she will be born on my birthday March 31st or on Avys April 6th, another Aries... we ROCK!!!

  4. Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations, it's actually funny because yesterday I actually thought that you might be pregnant because of the blogging hiatus and you mentioned something in an earlier post that you had an issue going on with your body. I guess I'm pretty good at picking up on your subtle hints! I hope your feeling okay, the first months of pregnancy are all too fresh in my mind so I can sympathize for you. My good months are unfortunately coming to end and I'm hitting the hungry/tired/emotional stage again so I guess we'll be going through this together. Congrats again, I'm happy for you guys!

  5. Note to self: Read both of Becky's blogs. I just found out, can you believe that nobody told me. But we are sure excited for you. Somebeody has to be pregnant and I am glad that it is not me.
