Thursday, August 6, 2009

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How about gaining nearly another two pounds?!

Exercise -
PRECOR Elliptical EFX 556 downstairs, 5 minutes warmup, 75 calories, 0.44 miles, 700 strides, 1/2 forwards, 1/2 backwards. Then, I did 16 laps, 1/2 mile, 32 minutes, in the pool.

What I ate today -
Breakfast - got done exercising and was back home by 8:40am. Decided I was going to eat more healthy things today, so I started off with 1/3 cup dry Malt-o-Meal (add 1 cup water) cooked with frozen peaches and blueberries.

Lunch - about 1/2 cup of the leftover baked beans, 1 whole wheat tortilla, some of the cooked hamburger left from last night, cheddar cheese, fat free sour cream, guacamole, lettuce, tomato. Then, I wolfed down about 1 cup lowfat cottage cheese and 2-1/2 to 3" round wheat crackers, maybe a dozen? And crystal light flavored water.

Dinner - Around 5pm, I decided that I really wasn't all that hungry, I was still feeling a little full from lunch so I was going to skip dinner. I did snack on a few more wheat crackers. Then, the power went out, with all the storming and lightening going on, and after getting out of the house a few times, Dani, Connor, Emma, and I (Zen was out in the field, and Gil was at Scout Camp) all sat around the dining room, where the most light was coming in the house, and I read a book while the kids watched the lightening and played. By 8pm, Connor asked for an ice cream cone, and I was in that well-there-goes-my-productive-night kind of zone, so I just sat down with 1/2 a tub of Baby Ruth ice cream, and ate it all. Shame, shame, I know your name. We all went to bed early. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't get too discouraged about two pounds. It may seem like a lot when you are working your butt off trying to lose weight and you gain some, but you probably haven't gained any. A lot of it depends on water you may be retaining and what your hormones are doing for the day. Whatever day of the cycle you are can make your weight fluctuate, so don't stress too much and keep up the good work!
