Friday, August 21, 2009


230.25 Thank goodness.

I think for now, I'm just going to let the cards fall where they may. I'll keep up my exercising, try to drink more water to stay hydrated and cut down on the munchies, and just try to quit eating when my body tells me I'm full.

Exercise - PRECOR Elliptical EFX576i, 30 min., 2.14 miles, 3402 strides, 338.0 calories. Crossramp 7, resistance 7, and I did 5-minute intervals forwards and backwards.

What I ate today -
Breakfast - 32 oz. water, banana after workout, then picking up kids from tennis, and for some reason, we got on the topic of Scout Camp, and that led to Mountain Man breakfast (hash browns, sausage, eggs, cheese all mixed together), and that led to making it. So, I had a couple small bowls full. Plus, I made strawberry smoothies (frozen strawberries, 1% milk, vanilla, a little sugar). Had at least 24 oz. of that.

Lunch - too full from breakfast

Dinner - nibbled a little on Mountain Man breakast, and a little of the leftover smoothie, then we went up to Firehole Canyon campground for the ward campout. Had hamburgers, a variety of salads, lemonade, and cobbler. One plateful, plus dessert.


  1. That's a good workout. Keep it up!

  2. Keep up the good work! Eating healthy is not about starving yourself or being on an overly-restrictive diet. It's about being conscious of WHAT you're eating AS you're eating it.

    Furthermore, the best way to lose weight isn't by going on a temporary diet that makes one lose a lot in a little time... it's about a permanent lifestyle change; a committment to oneself to consciously choose to become a healthier person :) And it sounds to me like you've got that!
