Monday, August 31, 2009

Another Catch Up

228.5 - Whew! It's definitely the "food is just gross" stage of pregnancy, where you can't decide what to eat, because you're not sure if it's going to make you feel sick, and sometimes you just give up and eat nothing.

Okay, here's what's what for the past few days. I don't remember what I did since my last post, but here's what I can remember:

Thursday? - elliptical 20 min, 2345 strides, 1.57 miles, 263.3 calories

Friday - 230.5, exercised 30 minutes on the elliptical, but I kept pausing because I was watching the news on the tv (I wish they would not put a tv anywhere near the exercise machines!!!), and the readout cleared, so I have no idea what the stats were.

Saturday & Sunday - no exercise

Exercise - Today, I swam, for the first time in over three weeks. I did 12 laps, 3/8 mile, only about 20 minutes, kind of lame, but I ran out of time, before I had to get the plates renewed on my car, and get to Dani's dr appt on time.

Today, I decided I LOVE swimming. It's all I want to do now for my exercise. Because it's more than just the exercise. Being in the water is just mentally therapeutic, and these days, I need all the mental health boosters I can get. That's more important to me now than to be the push-yourself-to-the-limit exercise nazi. And tonight, I ordered a sassy new swimsuit/swimdress on eBay, only $31 with shipping, that will probably be big enough to hold all of me as I grow with this pregnancy. I had a size 22 that worked great when I was pregnant with Connor, and that's the size I ordered tonight. That particular swimsuit is all stretched out and almost see-through, or I'd be wearing it now. I definitely got my money's worth out of that one.

What I ate today -
Breakfast - as usual, I got started so late today, that I missed breakfast. Tomorrow, I'm kicking my rear out of bed, and exercising first thing in the morning.

Lunch - what lunch? It was more like a snack-fest all afternoon. On the way to get my plates renewed, I drank a Sobe lifewater, mango-melon flavor. I also ate a snack-bag of Sun Chips. Then I had a chocolate-dipped cone at Artic Circle. I grabbed a banana later, on the way out the door to Dani's appt. When I was shopping at Wal-Mart, I got a 1/4 pound container of macaroni and cheese from the deli. Then, on the way to Gil's tennis practice, I grabbed an apple and a Country Time raspberry lemonade.

Dinner - I made lasagna, garlic bread, and an olive-tomato cesear salad with feta cheese (so good!) I snitched as I cooked, so who knows how much I ate. I just know that by the time dinner was ready, I wasn't very hungry, and just ate some of the salad, and a piece of garlic bread. Then, crystal light flavored water.

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