Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Buffet and Potluck Are My Weaknesses

222 even. Whatever.

But, if all I can lose is 1/4 pound a day, take that out over a year, and I can weigh 135 a year from now. That's a loss of 91 pounds. Not bad, not bad. Of course, I don't think my body will put up with that, 150 is probably more realistic. My bod is just dense, and I don't think it's all about the fat.

Exercise - 30 min. on the PRECOR Elliptical EFX576i, 2.18 miles, 3732 strides, 334.5 calories, crossramp 5, resist #5. I tried alternating 5 minutes forward strides with 5 minutes backwards strides. Man, it really kicked my butt. I was rhythmically breathing (one breath in, three "puffs" out) the last ten minutes or so, just trying to get through it.

What I ate today -
Breakfast - 32 oz. water during/after workout, 1/3 cup dry Malt-o-Meal (add 1 cup water) cooked with frozen strawberries and peaches, 2 Tbsp sliced almonds. I know this is repetetive, but I honestly like this stuff, and I'm just so busy, and motivated that time of day, I don't want to waste my productivity on cooking food. But when Gil made breakfast, he insisted I eat some, so I had two bites of his omelet-style scrambled eggs, and half of a small banana wheat pancake.

Lunch - skipped it again, but not on purpose, really. I was just under this deadline, trying to get these repairs and alterations done because they were due today, and then I was rushing like a madwoman trying to get dinner ready for the missionaries by 5pm. Yesterday, I said I was going to be naughty and bake some treats, but all I did was make banana bread, and promptly gave it away to the missionaires. Which reminds me, I did lick the spoon, probably about 1 tablespoon of batter.

Dinner - 5:30 pm, awesome tostadas, made using corn tortillas (lightly sprayed with canola oil, and crisped in a non-stick skillet), fat free refried beans (added sauteed onions & cumin), chicken breast, fat free sour cream, tomatoes, and salsa. I can't believe I only had two, but I did some snitching while I was cooking, had some pieces of chicken, several spoonsful of the refried beans, and about 1 oz. worth of cheddar cheese.

Okay, I had soooo many temptations, from the yummy chocolate treats at the checkout counter at Staples (cookie dough chocolate-covered bites, decadent), to the dessert table at the barbeque tonight (after dinner, I went to it with Gil for his youth activity), it was rough. I tell you what, if I wasn't blogging, and had this commitment to being accountable for my food intake, I definitely would have gorged myself at that barbeque tonight. Forget that I had just eaten, I would have snagged a hot and fresh hamburger, some yummy baked beans, a piece of that poppy seed cake and fruit pizza, no question. And that's just to start.

No doubt, buffet and potluck have always been my weaknesses. It's fun tasting new things and also indulging in old favorites. And hey, not having to cook it always makes it seem more appealing. Not that I'm a bad cook, in fact I do pretty well, but I just feel more indulgent when I eat someone else's food.

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