Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Sunday I was messing around on Pinterest, making a new triathlon board for myself.  One thing led to another, and after reading one guy's blog about triathlon and Spartan race preparation, I found my way onto podcasts on iTunes.  I didn't know there were so stinking many of them, and you can listen to and download them for FREE!  Nirvana!   A new obsession is born.  I listed to quite a few of Mark Divine's podcasts.  He's a former Navy SEAL, who now runs a training center called SEALFit.   His podcasts have a wide diversity of topics, but I was really interested in the ones that talked about mindset and your mental/emotional state.

Podcasts I listed today on iTunes:
The Art of Manliness, podcast #113 The Evolutionary Origins of Depression With Jonathan Rottenberg, one of my take-aways was a good overview of what depression is and an idea that I'd already decided was true.  Depression isn't something you cure, it's something you learn how to manage well.
The Art of Manliness, podcast #105 Lesson from a Navy SEAL on Resilience With Eric Greitens - this was incredible.  I have got to read this guy's book!  Once I get ahold of it, I'll probably be commenting on it here, and I'm guessing it's going to address some of the problems I've been struggling with.

My workout today:  45 min rebounder in the morning, followed by a trip to the college pool.  I didn't really time myself, but I roughly counted laps and did about 3/4 mile in about 40 min.  I don't think I was very fast today, but I found myself zoning out a lot and time would pass without me being aware of it.  On the one hand, that probably means I'm not focusing very hard on technique or speed, but on the other it was kind of therapeutic, reaching that free-floating state.  I bet there's a particular brain chemistry that describes that, a particular kind of brain waves.  Also, a lot of times I just stopped and tried to remember which lap I was on.  I think next time I'm just going to swim for a certain amount of time and quit worrying which lap I'm on, just focus on swimming as fast and long as I can.

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