Wednesday, August 5, 2015

First try at the cycling course

I started the day off with my rebounder, doing about 35 to 40 min, plus doing 100 reverse cruches.  I have no idea what they are called technically, but that's my closest guess.  I lie down on my back on my rebounder, and extend my legs out.  Then I bring my knees up to my chest and back out again.  Do that 100 times.

It's only four weeks until the sprint triathlon race, so I figured I better get over to the college and start getting familiar with the course.  Turns out it shares some of the same streets I've been training on thus far, which was a pleasant surprise.  I haven't mapped it in my car yet, but based on my time today, I'd say the course is about six miles, and that on race day we'll be doing it twice.  My time today was 1 hour 15 min, 15 min more than my times so far for 12 miles, but a little story about that.  Part of the course is shut down due to road construction.  I kind of thought I could sneak through on the sidewalks, but with all the heavy equipment around, and some of the sidewalk petering out at one point, I decided I was just going to push through the dirt and desert scrubs as I wound my way past the construction.  Good thing my bike is a mountain bike and not a street bike!  I probably would have popped a tire, or bent something.  It made the riding tougher and take longer than the street, but it was kind of a fun little adventure.  I think I liked the challenge of it, and seeing something new and different, plus the problem-solving aspect of finding my way through a patch of desert hills.  I know it's silly, but I sort of felt a little like a tough chick.

Listed to the podcast again, twice - The Art of Manliness, podcast #105 Lesson from a Navy SEAL on Resilience With Eric Greitens .  Really, really want this book.  Maybe I'll do an interlibrary loan for it, but I've got a feeling I'm going to mark the heck out of it, so I'll want my own copy.  You would not believe how desperately broke I am this week, so that's out for now.  Maybe next week.

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