Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Weight - 233.0
Weight Lost - 4.5 lb. in 7 days

Total Calories Eaten - 1374
Total Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 1009
Calorie Balance - 936 left to eat at 2lb loss/week rate
Weight Loss Rate Today - 3.9lb loss/week

Exercise - 40 min. Rockin' dvd workout on The Wave by the Firm (see below)

Yep, gotta eat more. I can tell, and not just because of the math. I did feel pretty hungry at the end of the night tonight, so I had a small glass of skim milk. I don't want to sink myself by eating too little, and then my body stages a million-people-strong protest. And maybe it's just that I've had such a busy week that it has distracted me from any major signals my body might have been giving me. But I did seem to have enough energy, despite what the math was saying.

My sister Sue came in to town to night to see my teenagers in the local college summer theatre play for kids in the community. She and I have funny, sometimes contradictory personalities. We are totally lax about some things (we are not exactly the most anal house keepers), but we love crunching data and working the math. I think that's why I have clicked so instantly with this whole calorie-counting thing. I love inputting the data throughout the day, and seeing how the math is working out. I'll think, "Oooh! I'm doing good! I can eat some more!" or I look at the balances and think, "Wow, I bet the scales will go down again tomorrow!" And so far, that's proven to be the case. I know some conventional wisdom is to throw out the scales and just see how your clothes start to fit better, but the little math rewards everyday, even throughout the day, help to keep me motivated. It's that quirky data-cruncher who lives inside.

Man, I worked out on my Firm Wave this morning, and it Kicked. My. Tush. I was so tired by the end, I don't think I've worked out that hard in a while. Made me feel like a big, dorky, uncoordinated wussie. My kids were watching me, and my teenage girl said something along the lines of, "Mom, you look really bad." Yep, I'm like spastic-dancer Elaine on Seinfeld, almost. But I got to thinking later in the day, after several hours of cleaning the house (thus the high number for exercise today) and a hot shower, that it could be good to keep trying this out several times a week, breaking down the harder, more complicated moves. I'd get better over time, and that would give me a boost in the long run to overcome that kind of challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Just keep at it :-). It is a fabulous day to look at your scales and see that the 200 mark has dissapeared into the 190's. I did that about a month ago. Like Sue said, I did not realize I had been such a heifer :-)
    Calorie counting is sure a help for me too. I'd like to report - I have lost 25# since Valentines Day - yep twenty-five... and plan to go another 15 before I see David and his family in mid September.
