Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Weight - 233.5 lb. Yippee!

Total Calories Eaten - 1216
Total Exercise/Activity Calories Earned - 928
Calorie Balance - 1016 left to eat at 2lb loss/week rate
Weight Loss Rate Today - 4lb loss/week

Exercise - Precor Elliptical efx556, 10 min., 0.78 miles, 133.0 cal, resistance #6, and then I swam in the pool for 30 minutes, doing 16 round laps (32 lengths) which is 1/2 mile.

Believe it or not, I think I gotta eat more. The nutritional data from myfooddiary.com is telling me I'm not eating enough fat to process fat-soluable vitamins. I have plenty of energy, except for about an hour right after lunch. Maybe that means I need to add a morning snack.

I'm just so busy! I have tried to be productive every day and get lots of things done, not wasting time watching tv or reading books. And I've gotten up at about seven every morning, with no more naps during the day, so I'm back on a regular sleep schedule. But five kids... Sheesh! When am I ever going to get this Medical Transcription thing done? That's probably an indicator that even if I did have it done and got my certificate, when would I ever have the time to actually work? I don't know. I guess I just have to keep going, keep paying our tithing and hope for a miracle. Sammy got his shots today, and went to bed at 9:30 tonight, so I better get myself in bed, soon, too.

1 comment:

  1. Look at you go! I really want to try out myfooddiary.com, but I'm not sure I can justify the $9.00 a month (seriously, I'm cheap). But you seem to love it, so maybe I'll splurge. I think I'll do the free trial and see how I feel about it.
