Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 251

The HWHL blog is in a new session, which is a special one-year-anniversary five-week challenge, with an extra 5 bonus points each day for achieving a personally stated goal, different each week. I just don't feel like putting in all the stats today, but I will write down my points for the past three days, since the session started on Sunday, February 27th. Tonight's "Bloated" post reads:

"I don't know what I weigh right now, because I refuse to step on the scales. Yes, I am a mature adult, I swear! All I know is that my size 16 pants will still go on, and the 18's are still a little loose, but other than that, I just don't wanna know. I ate like a pig most days in the past two weeks, and when the scales got in the upper 190's (the lowest I got down to since starting last summer was 185), I quit stepping on the scales. I was stuffing my face for no other reason than just to prove I could, just to enjoy the idea of endulging. But I kind of got sick of the bloated feeling, so I've cut back on the excessive snacking. But I'm still not out of the woods yet because while I physically don't want to be pigging out, emotionally I want to."

Tuesday 1 March - HWHL Points Today - 28 of 40 basic possible (74 total this session, session goes from Sun 27 Feb to Sat 2 Apr) +10 for eating in calorie range, -2 eating all fruits and veggies, +1 eating breakfast lunch dinner, -3 not drink 64 oz. water, +2 for no soda pop, -1 not taking multivitamin, +5 30 min exercise, +3 food journal, +5 post or comment, +2 for posting as well as commenting, -3 stop eating 2hrs before bed, -5 bonus points done for the day (this week's goal is to be done exercising by 8am)

Monday 28 Feb - HWHL Points - 36 of 40 possible (46 total this session, session goes from Sun 27 Feb to Sat 2 Apr) +10 for eating in calorie range, +2 eating all fruits and veggies, +1 eating breakfast lunch dinner, +3 drink 64 oz. water, +2 for no soda pop, -1 not taking multivitamin, +5 30 min exercise, +3 food journal, +5 post or comment, -3 stop eating 2hrs before bed, +5 bonus points done for the day (this week's goal is to be done exercising by 8am)

Sunday 27 Feb - HWHL Points - 10 of 40 possible (10 total this session, session goes from Sun 27 Feb to Sat 2 Apr) -10 for eating in calorie range, -2 eating all fruits and veggies, +1 eating breakfast lunch dinner, -3 not drink 64 oz. water, +2 for no soda pop, -1 not taking multivitamin, -5 30 min exercise, -3 food journal, +5 post or comment, +2 for posting as well as commenting, - 3 stop eating 2hrs before bed, -5 bonus points not done for the day (this week's goal is to be done exercising by 8am)

My "Done by 8am" post on Sunday read - "First off, my brain totally missed the fact that our challenge started today, so today is shot already! I guess I got a few points for not drinking soda pop and for eating all 3 meals, but that's about it. No exercise, no multivitamin, no calorie counting or food journal, nothin'. Oh, I guess I get 7 points for commenting and posting, so hey, I guess I got over 10, not a total loss. Anyway, there are several major things I need to work on - believe it or not it's not exercise. I do that every day, except Sunday, just because I need it mentally in order to function every day. My weaknesses are getting enough water, staying in my calorie range, remembering to take the multivitamin, and stopping eating at least 2 hours before bed. And I'm with Cammy, I'd love to do something similar to what she's doing for sleep - only the goal would be to be in bed with the lights out by 11pm, and then up by 6am. It's not eight hours, but it's still pretty decent. I want to capture those two hours before all the little ones are up, so I can have my exercise done, and be showered and dressed for the day, in order to be focused for my day at least Monday thru Friday. So, I think I'll make that my first goal - not just exercise everyday, but to go to bed earlier so I can have my exercise done by 8am, sort of a hybrid sleep/exercise goal."

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